below basic meaning in English
- In alabama and mississippi nearly half of them score “ below basic ” on maths , which means that even simple calculations baffle them
阿拉巴马州和密西西比州有差不多一半的孩子没有达到数学考试的及格线,这意味简单的加减乘除也会令他们够呛。 - The 2003 study found that at least 12 percent of those surveyed were classified as having , in the terminology of the report , “ below basic ” skills , meaning that they could perform no more than the most simple and concrete literacy tasks , such as locating information in short , commonplace texts
2003年的研究发现,至少有12 %的受试者只具备报告用语中所谓的低于基本程度的技能,意味著他们只能执行最简单与最具体的读写技能,例如在简短、平常的文章中找到讯息。